Featured Artists

Luis Reboyro

Luis Reboyro is a Cuban American artist with experience as a professional artist and art teacher with a unique style of lines and colors that have made him popular specially in Miami’s lively multicultural art landscape. He has participated in over 30 art exhibitions and most of his artworks are in private collections across US, Cuba and Spain.

I paint a universe that I consider beautiful, where I create landscapes and characters from cultural and traditional references of our life experiences. It’s a free and visually enjoyable experience, where I experiment with lines and colors. As an artist it is a healing experience for me to paint about freedom and beautiful little things like a country house or any other subject of my choice, I do in hope that the spectator feels the same things when they look at my paintings. My paintings navigate between the aesthetics of contemporary pop art, and illustration style, and merge them with my personal style, my Caribbean roots from Cuba and traditional painting as dreams of my own imaginary. I hope you enjoy my paintings. -Luis Reboyro